6 Alternative Energy Stocks That Could Double

Jeff Siegel

Written By Jeff Siegel

Posted June 13, 2011

It was H.L. Mencken who said…

The one permanent emotion of the inferior man is fear – fear of the unknown, the complex, the inexplicable. What he wants above everything else is safety.

To play off Mencken’s quote, I’d say the one permanent emotion of the inferior investor is fear. Because the fact is, when it comes to investing, “safety” is an illusion, and those who allow fear to dictate their actions never make any real money.

I’m not saying it’s not good to be cautious, particularly during times of market uncertainty. But if you spend all your time cowering on the sidelines, second-guessing every move, you’re going to miss out on huge opportunities.

To give you an example of what I’m talking about, back in November 2008 I wrote an article about Whole Foods Market (NASDAQ: WFM). At the time, the stock was struggling to stay above $10 a share.

But while dozens of completely clueless analysts (most of whom had never even stepped foot inside a Whole Foods store) were bashing the stock, I told readers the company would come out of this economic nightmare much stronger.

Oh, if you could’ve only seen the dozens of emails I got from folks who told me I was an idiot.

Well, this “idiot” can only smile when he looks at that stock today. Take a look…


Another stock I got bashed for recommending in November 2008 was First Solar (NASDAQ:FSLR). And boy, the insults on that one came fast and furious. Mostly from folks who still believed solar was something only for tree-huggers and wealthy eccentrics; completely missing the fact a handful of these solar companies were about to break the billion-dollar revenue mark.

But when the stock broke below $82, I knew it was a screaming buy – despite the “warnings” to stay clear of solar.

By May 2009, the stock hit $200 a share!

Of course, not every battered stock hit during a down market will come back screaming. But I do know some of the biggest scores I’ve ever made in the alternative energy market have come from scooping up insanely cheap stocks that were only “insanely cheap” because of broader market movements.

Just as markets don’t rise forever, they also don’t fall forever. And that’s why, today, we’re loading up on these 6 alternative energy stocks that could easily double by this time next year.

6 Easy Doubles

Over the years, we’ve made a lot of money by investing in alternative energy companies that had little more than a great idea.

From new solar technologies to engineering firms developing advanced motor systems – some of our biggest winners have come from these types of plays.

Now I don’t recommend this strategy for investors wary of risk. And I definitely don’t recommend this strategy during times of market uncertainty.

Instead, when the broader market struggles, we focus our attention primarily on the solid, revenue-generating alternative energy plays that have simply become victims of a broader market sell-off. Nothing more.

It’s not rocket science, and I don’t have some kind of fancy algorithm to figure this out, either. It’s really just common sense – like buying Whole Foods and First Solar was back in 2008.

So here’s a list of my top 6 alternative energy picks that could easily double following the next market rebound…

  • Trina Solar (NYSE: TSL)

  • JA Solar (NASDAQ: JASO)

  • DQ New Energy (NYSE: DQ)

  • Satcon Technology Corporation (NASDAQ: SATC)

  • Western Wind Energy Corporation (TSX-V: WND)

  • Capstone Turbine (NASDAQ: CPST)

I’m also very big on one particular geothermal company right now.

It’s a solid, revenue-generating company currently working with the DOE to develop a new geothermal technology M.I.T. researchers say could provide 130,000 times our annual electricity consumption.

That’s some game-changing stuff, my friends. And you might be interested to know the U.S. Government has already invested $100 million in this little gem.

You can read more about this one here.

To a new way of life, and a new generation of wealth…

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